I have only recently started imaging the Sun and tend to pick only good days with better than average 'seeing'.

The object of this observation was to record the Active Region 13098 which had been quite energetically active, responsible for a number of large solar flares.

The real bonus was that I also captured AR13101 on the north-western limb. As you can see, the spots are not visible, however the indentations in the photosphere can be seen. The spots, both the umbra and penumbra, are cooler than the surrounding photosphere and hence 'sink' into the photosphere.

The instrument I used was a SVBony 80mm F7 refractor, star diagonal and a Baader Hyperion 8mm eyepiece. This is mounted on a roughly aligned EQ5 equatorial mount with a drive in Right Ascension. Camera is a ZWO  ASI224MC Colour camera.

2000 images were captured (in an avi file) of which the best 500 are stacked using Autostakkert! and then final processing (wavelets and sharpening) performed using  Registax 6.

Image date: 2022-09-13 Time: 11:40 UTC